The Different Methods Of Home Schooling
Posted by nick_niesen on October 27th Christin Stewart Tigers Jersey , 2010
There are a variety of methods that can be applied in the area of homeschooling. The method you select will have an impact on the curriculum and style of teaching. The following are some of the most popular homeschooling methods.
The Charlotte Mason method is named after Charlotte Mason, who is known as the originator of the homeschooling movement. She herself was a homeschooler, and she wanted to establish a basic plan for a complete and effective homeschooling program. The Charlotte Mason method emphasizes poetry, fine arts, classical music, crafts Nick Castellanos Tigers Jersey , and classical literature. This method is designed to encourage an awareness of literature and involves reading to the child every day. The child is then asked to tell what he or she has heard. This starts at the age of six. By the age of ten, the child is expected to write narrations in a book. Mason encouraged the use of nature diaries as well. The child writes observations of nature in the book as well. This creates a sense of respect for the environment in the child. Mason thought that good behavior and character were critical for a childs complete personality development.
The Eclectic Homeschooling method is a combination of several techniques. Innovative parents rely on their own judgment to select topics that make up the curriculum for their own child. These parents are always looking for the best products they can find to help them meet the needs of their home schoolers. Many of the curricula in this method are improvised. This means that, while the basic curriculum is established, parents change it to adapt to the individual needs and interests of their children. The curriculum is generally established according to the temperament, learning style, and interests of the children. These programs typically include visits to libraries Josh Harrison Tigers Jersey , factories, and museums.
John Holt, a public educator in Boston, developed the unschooling method. Holt believed that children learn best when they learn at their own pace and are guided by their own interests. He wanted to unschool the child by requiring parents to take their cues from the children. This approach has no set curriculum, schedules, or materials. It is the most unstructured of the homeschooling techniques.
The Montessori method had its start in Italy. It was found that children go through extremely sensitive periods in which they experience periods of intense concentration. In these phases Kirk Gibson Tigers Jersey , children will repeat an action until they receive some measure of self-satisfaction from it. This method relies on prepared environments to facilitate learning. All materials utilized in this method are meant to satisfy the childs interior desire for spiritual development. Materials for this method range from simple to complex, and they are relatively costly.
Whatever method is selected, the underlying concept is flexibility and a strong interest in the childs own desires. The key is to use childrens desire for knowledge to further their education.
Using Aromatherapy with Children Family Articles | March 27, 2006
Aromatherapy and essential oils can be a wonderful way of supporting your child''s health, happiness and well-being. Essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you, the caregiver.
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences ? they are distilled from flowers Al Kaline Tigers Jersey , fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over ? in Alan Trammell Tigers Jersey , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified practitioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils ? but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of the essential oils available are suitable for children; others are not suitable for children and some are even dangerous to children (children with epilepsy should not come in contact with stimulating essential oils).
When used correctly however, essential oils can be of great benefit, and will not conflict with your child?s medically prescribed drugs. Always research the oil of choice thoroughly before using with your infant or child ? ask advice from a qualified practitioner Cool Base Miguel Cabrera Jersey , or see the references at the end of this article.
That said, essential oils can be a wonderful way of supporting your child''s health, happiness and well-being. Essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you, the caregiver. Essential oils are used externally (on the outside of the body) in your child?s bath, body lotions, oils Cool Base Christin Stewart Jersey , creams, gels, compresses, foot baths, or in a oil warmer. The effects of aromatherapy will generally fall into one of three main categories: 1) Assisting in healing from minor illnesses and accidents, 2) Supporting your child?s overall sense of well-being Cool Base Nick Castellanos Jersey , and 3) Assisting your child in getting quality rest.
When using essential oils with your child, it is imperative that you find a reputable supplier of therapeutic-grade essential oils, using organic or wildcrafted varieties when possible. Synthetic copies of oils commonly used in perfumery are not appropriate, and may even be harmful to your child?s health. To maintain efficacy, essential oils should be kept in dark amber or cobalt glass containers, in a dark and cool location Cool Base Josh Harrison Jersey , away from the child?s access. Wooden storage boxes from craft or ''Pier One'' type stores can make a nice container for the bottles.
Methods of Using Essential OilsThere are two methods of using essential oils with your child ? INHALATION: through a diffuser, nebulizer, or adding to a humidifier reservoir, and TOPICAL APPLICATION: diluting the essential oil in a carrier oil and applying topically. Adding essential oils to a bath combines the two methods, though we will cover it under topical application.
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